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Product Roadmap Prioritization & Communication Bundle

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A bundle of two advanced Notion Templates:

  1. Product Roadmap Prioritization: get results with a fully-guided quarterly roadmap planning exercise involving your product, engineering and business teams
  2. Product Roadmap Communication: allow your entire company to see what features have shipped, what is up next

These templates are based on product management best practices from the creator's experience as a product manager and CPO at companies like Stripe, SAP and smaller B2B SaaS startups. Includes the RICE Framework, Buy-a-Feature scoring, links to OKRs, risk mitigation plans, and integrated estimation of effort by engineering/development.

👨‍🏫 See a full walkthrough demo of the template on YouTube

Product Roadmap Communication

With this template your product team can communicate the product roadmap to all internal stakeholders, keeping it updated as plans change.

Readers can get overviews of major planned ships and see a timeline of what is coming when. They can also dive into details on why it is important, what it will look like, when it will ship in beta or general availability, FAQs and links to more documentation.

Product Roadmap Prioritization

With this powerful template your teams will be guided through a collaborative product roadmap prioritization process step by step.

Best-practice frameworks built-in

The template leverages the prioritization tools and frameworks that are used by leading technology companies like the RICE Framework (Reach, Impact, Confidence, Effort) and the Buy-a-Feature planning exercise, linking to OKRs, and proposing how to mitigate risks.

All teams across product, design, engineering, business, marketing and strategy can understand what is being proposed and agree on the final prioritization.

Product Engineering/Development/Design teams are full participants in the process. They can model their team capacity over time and plan their actual availability to work on roadmap items without forgetting to reserve time to work on tech-debt and customer support/bug-fixing activities.

Actionable results

The result of the planning exercise is not just a stack-ranked wishlist, but a prioritized list of roadmap items on a timeline with dependencies tracked. You can then turn this into your new roadmap to be communicated to the entire company.

This process is designed for a 3-month planning horizon where the teams work at the end of every quarter to plan the work for the coming quarter, it can be adapted for other durations.

🙌 Money-back guarantee: If you try out the template and find that it does not work for you, let me know within two weeks of your purchase and I will issue a refund


Do I have to keep paying each time I need to use it?

No. You get lifetime access and can duplicate this template as many times as you need for your team. Please do not share it outside your team, instead please let others know where to get this template for themselves.

Do I need deep Notion expertise to setup and this template?

No, this template has already taken care of building all the hard stuff (databases, formulas, views, button setup, etc.).

Easy one-time guided-setup process

There is an easy one-time setup process that the template guides you through. You and your team just need to know basic Notion concepts about how to add pages and edit them.

OK, but maybe I still need help in running a prioritization process with this roadmap?

Sure! I would be happy to consult on sharing best practices for roadmap planning and communication, and figuring out how to make it most effective for your team. Just contact me

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14-day money back guarantee

If you try out the template and find that it does not work for you, let me know within two weeks of your purchase and I will issue a refund

Last updated Sep 4, 2023

Two powerful templates for prioritizing and communicating product roadmaps

Number of templates
Number of interlinked databases
Number of user guides
Admin guides with customization steps
Uses NEW Notion Buttons capability
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Product Roadmap Prioritization & Communication Bundle

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